CRESCENT People: John Boyanoski — New Books, Statues of SC Mayors, and a Bigger State Football Rivalry than Carolina / Clemson?

Are you going to do a follow-up to Palmetto Pigskin History to kind of catch up to where we are now? I would love to do maybe five years from now and adding five years, the last five years.  I went all the way to 2010 for the book.  There are a lot of great […]

CRESCENT People: Phillip Barron Shows how “Outspokin” a Simpsonville Boy can Be.

As South Carolina’s larger cities work to make traffic flow more friendly and attractive for bicycles, Simpsonville’s Phillip Barron’s new book offers itself as a cyclist’s encouraging companion. For four years, readers of The (Durham, NC) Herald-Sun newspaper enjoyed Phillip Barron’s monthly columns on bicycling. The Outspokin’ Cyclist gathers the best columns together in one […]